Will your vision become reality?
EarthPilot helps visionary leaders, civilization builders, and creative geniuses succeed.
Through coaching, masterminds & transformational experiences we are building a more vibrant future.
Anthony has been featured in:

What's between you and the future you know is possible?
Legendary leaders recognize that they will never reach their vision alone and actively seek trusted, holistic support.
When you see reality more accurately, you make better decisions, accomplish things faster and more in flow.
With deeper trust in yourself & life, intuition becomes your guide through uncertain terrain.
Alchemizing our greatest fears and pain into our greatest gifts & presence, roots us deeply in the moment.
Courageous movement towards your vision, with integrity to your values, is the ultimate spiritual path.
Get My Free Mindset Mastery Meditation
What got you here won't get you there.
You’ve accomplished more than most humans ever will, and you know deep in your soul that you are just getting started.
EarthPilot is here to help you refine your super powers, support you in building an incredible life across all domains, and stepping into what you are really here to do.

Investing in yourself doesn’t take millions,
it just takes getting started.
No matter where you are in your journey right now, your message needs to be HEARD, your ideas need to be IMPLEMENTED, and your work needs to be VALUED. Check out these Earth Pilot offerings designed to help support your personal and professional growth along the way.
Founders Hike
Join an intimate, invite-only group of high level Founders and Creators for a facilitated day hike.
Whether you are seeking inspiration for your next venture, integrating a successful IPO, or navigating the growing pains of building your dream, Founders Hike has what you need.
BioMythic Breathwork
BioMythic Breathwork is designed to connect you more deeply to your personal living mythology – your hero’s journey.
This is one of the core practices of Deep Leadership and will leave you with a more robust connection to insight and intuition giving you a foundation to lead during times of chaos.
BioMythic Breathwork
BioMythic Breathwork is designed to connect you more deeply to your personal living mythology – your hero’s journey.
This is one of the core practices of Deep Leadership and will leave you with a more robust connection to insight and intuition giving you a foundation to lead during times of chaos.
Focus Sessions
Each week we will drop in together with other visionary creators, set intentions and virtually co-work with a buddy (cameras on, mics off) to move our projects forward. These will be facilitated by Anthony.
Join us for any or all of them and share with your community!
Founders Hike
Join an intimate, invite-only group of high level Founders and Creators for a facilitated day hike.
Whether you are seeking inspiration for your next venture, integrating a successful IPO, or navigating the growing pains of building your dream, Founders Hike has what you need.
About your coach
"99% of being a great coach is working with the right people, and I've been blessed to coach some of the worlds greatest from entrepreneurship to entertainment to medicine to professional sports."

Meet Anthony, an American visionary, artist, activist, entrepreneur, and coach. In 1991, at the age of 10, Anthony created and internationally sold his first self-help product, a computer app named Virtual Journal.
Anthony earned a BA in Psychology from Edinboro University and an MS in Urban Planning from Wisconsin. He holds a self-authored US Patent, is a former World Games Invitee, was named Top 25 Bloggers in the World by TIME Magazine and is credited with being the inspiration and founding co-host of Summit Series.
Anthony has spent the last 20 years advising companies such as Google and BMW and serving as a transformational coach for figures from the tech industry to the art world to professional sports.
Alchemy Coaching Program
Anthony maintains a small practice providing transformational coaching for visionaries via a year-long program called ALCHEMY.
He’s been coaching in some capacity for the last 20 years and has been able to work with folks from a wide spectrum of disciplines from sports to entrepreneurship to activism.
Anthony currently supports young tech titans, brain surgeons, rising computer programers, world-famous photographers, indie actresses, and real estate tycoons.
His approach has emerged organically from his own personal Impossible Path journey and rests firmly in the belief that there is a deep intelligent healing wisdom inside everyone and that given the correct context it will awaken. In this sense, Anthony acts as a touchstone as you co-create a crucible for your alchemical transformation.

Anthony has worked with Founders and Leaders at:

What People Say...

Anthony works with founders, co-founders, business partners, and teams. Tailoring your coaching to your specific needs and goals, providing a confidential and safe space to deal with the issues and vulnerabilities affecting you & your organization.
Co-Founder Asana, Founder One Project
“Yes, I enthusiastically recommend Anthony if you met him and it feels like you feel a good connection and you’re looking to do deep inner and outer work.”
“Anthony has certainly helped me navigate really big life changes, and come to big conclusions. Holding space for me to realize it was time for me to leave Asana, a company that I had started and been at for a decade. To move on and do something that had felt like an even higher calling, and to identify with that higher calling. But, I would say that, even more helpful is just the way he’s helped me navigate the day-to-day, week-to-week challenges that come up in life.”Co-founder & CEO, Bombas
Founder The Third Wave
Alex Gordon-Brander
Hedge Fund & FinTech Executive
“The real shift over the time I’ve seen working with Anthony has to do with my unconscious assumptions and behaviors and addressing unhealthy patterns around how I relate to work and myself.”
“He’s got this habit of stopping you after you’ve said something seemingly innocuous and teasing out something profound that’s happening under the surface that can make any conversation potentially revolutionary. He does this in a way that feels supportive rather than invasive but still challenges me to see myself more clearly.
So, when we started working together, I had honestly become quite enmeshed with the business and, on some deep level, was abandoning myself in pursuit of business success. I was putting my personal needs on the other side of the liquidity event.
Working with Anthony helped me see that in the big scheme of things, the work’s meant to serve me just as much as I’m meant to serve the work”
President & Partner
Recruiting Agency
An update from coaching client Ben Carapetyan…
“I cannot speak highly enough of the kind of natural wisdom he brings to these conversations and how he identifies threads of truth and kernels of sense from ramblings.”
“Big concepts that I might spew at him. He has the ability to really cut through it and get to the heart of things. It got to a point where I was eager and really excited each week to have the conversation with Anthony because I knew I would learn something about myself and feel like an elevated human afterward. If you’re considering Anthony for the actual work that will hopefully move the needle forward for yourself, he is a valuable and worthwhile partner in that journey.
If you have questions about anything more specific about my experience or my journey, please get in touch. I’d be happy to speak on his behalf or tell you about my story. I am extremely happy I did this a year and a half later. I am better off today than I was before I started.”

Executive Director
Brooklyn Psychedelic Society
Singer & Story Teller
Managing Director
One Golden Thread
Owner & Founder
Talex Media

For Founders Creators & High Performers, BioMythic Breathwork is designed to connect you more deeply to your personal living mythology – your hero’s journey.
Eden Espinosa
Broadway Actor & Singer
Executive Producer
Broadway, TV & Film
Actor, Singer & Performer